Bee Thousand 33 1/3

Monday, November 06, 2006

Cover 1

"I was a teenage rockstar (or tried to act like one on stage at the high school talent show)" (c. 1978)

With Gary Waleik on bass—later to become a 6-string indie hero with Big Dipper—who MUCH later introduced me to the pleasures of Guided by Voices

I'll be presenting a multi-media (or at least bi-media) Bee Thousand "extravaganza" at the CAKESHOP, 152 Ludlow Street, New York City, at 7:oo PM on Monday, 13 November very close to and just before doors open for the Robert Pollard show at The Bowery Ballroom. Come by for pre-show festivities. There'll be a randomly chosen interview cassette minute, the collective making of a found poem from Bee Thousand lyric fragments using the Tzara Dada method of anti-lyric composition, and a full-size anagram contest (prix d'honneur for the winner). "We" are still working on a 33 1/3 series size supplement to be distributed at the CAKESHOP event. The excellent Ben Sisario will also be reading from his 33 1/3 book on The Pixies' Doolittle should you require further great rock inducements.

My Bee Thousand book blog:
the book:
33 1/3 Series Blog:
Robert Pollard homepage: